Shape Sketching ZoomShop


Are you looking to draw birds more effectively, quickly, and elegantly? Join David Rankin as he demonstrates his incredible techniques—step by step, shape by shape, line by line. You’ll learn precisely how to draw birds from both life and photos.

Participants can choose to sketch and draw alongside David or observe and practice later. You’ll receive a link to the recorded Zoom session, which will be available for one month.

Materials Needed:  Registered artists should bring a sketchbook, a 2B pencil, a 9B graphite woodless pencil, and a ballpoint pen to practice David’s techniques using all three drawing tools.

Space is limited, so be sure to register soon!
Date: December 7
Duration: 3-hour Shape Sketching ZoomShop, 1-4 pm

Zoom link will be emailed after registration!
